STI 1911 Reviews

STI 1911 Reviews

STI 1911 Review

STI 1911

STI 1911 Review

January 29, 2018 by

A friend recommended an STI for my next gun. What makes them so good? Any negative considerations?

STI 1911 Review

STI 1911

STI 1911 Review

January 29, 2018 by

John Moses Browning’s quintessential handgun design has found its place in just about every major manufacturer’s lineup. Ruger, Smith & Wesson, Remington, and many others have all announced new “me too” 1911 models in the last year or so. Conversely, STI is no newcomer to this platform. A quick glance into the holsters at any major shooting competition will most likely reveal more STIs than any other single action pistol available. While they are perhaps better known for their double stack “2011” models, they also manufacture 18 different single stack designs in varying calibers and barrel lengths. The Trojan, while one of their less expensive models, is anything but ordinary

STI 1911 Review

STI 1911

STI 1911 Review

January 29, 2018 by

Last year I decided I wasn’t interested in reviewing any more STI guns. The reviews had all started to sound the same: reliable to the point of boredom, accurate, good looking, great controls, fast, expensive, blah, blah, blah. Then, around Christmas time . .